Gorgeous, redo or undo?

Unfortunately, even if my muscles are so exhausted and my running nose is bothering me… There’s no stopping me from putting on the mask of my cheerfulness. Honestly, my head feels so heavy and I don’t even know what I am talking. I am not pretending to be bubbly but there are instances when I a lost in the space and out of track with what’s going on. Hence, the show must happen despite the warning of the jackal.

Chasing my grandma with all my might, only to be told that I have to return for wealth and someone are waiting for me. Thanks grandma, you are always the best! Gorgeous, the devil can pull me down for a numerous times that I have no purpose. Nonetheless, even if I have nothing, my sincere smiles bring joys to many. What’s the use of reading those messages of someone who caused my ordeals? Real? I responded because I have forgiven but I hope that person’s conscience will speak that those choices and decisions scarred me.

There’s no undoing of what is already done. My job can be taken from me that easily and money will perish quickly. Despite of the sorrows and darkness, no one can take my skills, goodness and faith. I don’t have to compare myself and get millions of likes to feel important. I am blessed in many ways. I hope that person knows what I have been through because those words sent are meaningless without knowing the extent of what I have been through… Happy? Define happiness to me. Don’t assume when you don’t know nothing… You may have a lot but hopefully the cash your earning will bring you access to heaven… After all, you can’t be buried with your treasures. Don’t pretend that you care when you absolutely know the depth of the wound you inflicted me. Thank God for removing me because there’s no heaven in your hell.

If there’s one thing, I want to redo Gorgeous is being who I am. In my nothingness, I returned to my old self. Bubbly and thrifty. I treasure every centavo and I always see the light at the end of tunnel. My grandma and the rest of them that I am not person who I was judged and presumed to be. I will not redo the bad things in the past. I never liked the drama. No money, no tears… but there’s just something missing…

Do you know it, Gorgeous?

The Purest of Hearts, Gorgeous!

As long as I breath, my affection will never perish and set forth to eternity. If my boldness isn’t worthwhile in this existence, beyond this realm I won’t let you go to the underworld. In your special day, I kneel down and pray for a blessed life with God in the midst.

For those who play it cool, everything seems easy. Yet, for one truthful and coward spirit like mine, I wanted to be over the day not doing anything. Nonetheless, my heart is possessed by you, it wouldn’t let me rest until I took the courage to send the message. I am so tense and feeling uneasy thinking what I did. Gorgeous, you certainly don’t have a clue how many prayers I had to recite and how many angels and saints I called to give me the heart of doing so.

I am fearless in many aspects of my life and for several instances I have proven to be a survivor. Nonetheless, my point of views don’t conform with the majority. Since my youth, I only wanted to be invisible and unknown. I could live with the rejections and being alone. Not even a single minute, I felt unworthy because I’m sure that I’m willing to do anything and everything to anyone. My fear isn’t holding me back. Perhaps, I am just a better writer rather than a temptress. There were so many presumptions about me. The truth, I keep sacred within me and the Almighty knows it’s true— the purest of them all!

Today, I took the courage to be thoughtful and forgiving. I hope that happiness is about living simply and doing less. Likewise, it pains me to do so little when I can do more. I can paint many images in my head for my comfort but it’s so sad to hold back when I have the power to make them come true.

Thank you, Lord for giving me the strength of the heart and wisdom in doing what I did. Thanks for not letting my conscience not rest until I did what I had to do. Whether it matter or not, You know too well that every word came from my purest heart.

4get U Not, Gorgeous! (How can I?)

Funny it is some names don’t matter anymore. Eight years ago that name was music to my ears and the only one mattered. Fast forward to 2020, even I had to say it each day. It’s just nothing but a name and person’s with the name vanished in my core. Likewise, you’re an exception, Gorgeous!

I am not that insane. This is an obsession. Excuse me, I am not the type who can easily be consumed with emotional needs nor I’m going to perish without a man in my side. With all truthfulness Gorgeous, I am quickly contented. No hassles and drama. Yet, there’s something missing….My heart is longing not the boys who used to matter but it’s you, Gorgeous.

How come you appear in the silence of the midnight? I wished to include the King Arthur and many more. Nonetheless, when the lights are off, it’s only you and no other man. Gorgeous, what powers do you possess to infect me with such illness? I am at the corner of the globe relishing in stillness and tranquility.

You might think that I’m just idling and wasting time. Well, you just don’t know a thing… Moreover, one thing is certain, I will never forget. How can I cease to reminisce your special day? I tried not to care but days before today… you totally have no idea, how I am constantly reminded indirectly—

By Katy Perry “Birthday”

Boy, when you’re with me
I’ll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

The Light in Our Hearts, Gorgeous

Disappointments don’t end for the day. Why live with them when I am worthy to many? I let God in control and everything turns out well.

The nerve!Whatever they do, even to many deities they’re bowing down whether they use their bodies—- God is God! Whom shall I fear? No one can take away what God has already given. Miracle happens!

Gorgeous, this darkness won’t last long. There’s a light in our hearts that will lead our way. Follow the guidance of Heaven! We are not lost. God is making us better people!!! We are blessed. Praise God!


Sweet dreams!

See u once more… let our light, guide us!

God bless🙏🏻😇

See u again and again…

Beware of Jezebel Spirit, Gorgeous!

The Spirit of Jezebel is lurking in every corners of the world! Queen Jezebel is long gone but her spirit lives in our time…

Jezebel was Phoenician woman turned queen and nothing about her is positive. She was a wicked queen and wife to the evil King Ahab, had a reputation for murder, iniquity, and sexual promiscuity. She not only served as a thorn in the side of the prophet Elijah, but she also led Israel astray in their foreign worship of idols (1 Kings 18).

Jezebel took the throne with King Ahab during a time of political uncertainty in Israel. She worshipped foreign idols and re-introduced them to Israel (1 Kings 18), she slaughtered the Lord’s prophets (1 Kings 18:4), wrongfully killed a man to take possession of his vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-22:53), threatened to kill the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 19), and murdered anyone who protested her introduction of Baal worship into the kingdom.

In short, she wasn’t a great role model.

What’s distinctive about a Jezebel spirit?

Without question, the nastiest, evil, most disgusting, cunning, and seductive spirit in Satan’s hierarchy has to be what many call the Jezebel spirit.

It seems to be differentiated from other spirits that are more appetite-driven since this one tends to exercise the most cunning and diplomacy. It’s diabolical in how it secretly tries to rip apart relationships and churches from the inside out.

Once again, many denominations appear to be split on the defining characteristics of this spirit, but it does seem to show traits of hatred, seduction, calculation, and manipulation, similar to Queen Jezebel herself.

Many believe that this type of spirit may be Satan’s smartest and most cunning and evil spirit he has, and he thus dispatches this kind of spirit on specific targets so he can get the most bang for his buck.

Simply put, a Jezebel spirit is one of Satan’s higher-ranking, more intelligent demons if not the smartest kind of demon he has in his kingdom.

How a Jezebel spirit works?

Source: https://www.christianity.com; https://www.bible-knowledge.com

Let’s take for instance, a servant of God who dedicated all his life in ministering God’s flock and evangelizing to many particularly those lost souls. Nevertheless, someone with Jezebel spirit outsmarted him by using her femininity and sexual prowess luring him to a dance of fire while feasting the satisfaction of the flesh. The ecstatic adventure turned to be that man’s undoing because the one who possessed with Jezebel spirit used it to blackmail and manipulate him. The aftermath was his downfall. God always forgives but the society won’t forget. Take heed, Gorgeous for not everyone is soft-hearted and pardoning.

Here are some of the evil personality traits to look for with a person who has been operating under this spirit’s evil influence for quite some time.

  1. Pure Evil and Hate
  2. Vile
  3. Maximum Pride
  4. Highly Lustful and Seductive
  5. Highly Self-Centered and Narcissistic
  6. Will Always Seek To Be the Center of Attention
  7. Very Judgmental, Critical, Condescending, and Demeaning
  8. Overly Demanding and Manipulating
  9. Cold, Ruthless, Cunning, and Calculating
  10. Very Combative and Confrontational
  11. Very Good at Lying and Cheating
  12. Cannot Stand Any Type of Constructive Criticism
  13. Hates All Prophets, Prayer, and Anything to Do With Spiritual Warfare
  14. Will Be Capable of Giving False Prophecies, Visions, and Dreams

Find out more: https://www.bible-knowledge.com/how-jezebel-spirit-will-operate/

Hence, in just a blink of an eye, a Jezebel spirit can strip you with all truly matters.

Don’t be a moth that is drawn to an open flame, Gorgeous! Be aware and beware! Don’t let a Jezebel spirit tear you into pieces. May the wisdom of God is yours…

Good night and sweet dreams, Gorgeous!

God bless you, Gorgeous!

By Sophia Angeles “Miss You More”

My present, Gorgeous

What can I give you when I don’t have anything?

What will I give you when you have everything?

What can I offer when I am drained out of cash?

What can I do when my feet are chained?

No more high heels and walking with no footwear

Yet, I have the best and most amazing present of them all!

My present can’t be bought anywhere in the globe

No pretty faces nor hot chicks can share and give the same

Don’t wait for your hair to turn gray to uncover the truth

I can’t give you luxury goods but it’s money can’t buy

Gorgeous, my gift is priceless and always yours… only for you

Will I wait in Heaven to give to you or now it’s the time?

Gud nyt, Gorgeous! Remember: ILY & IMY 2!

Sweet dreams! God bless!

See you… see you again and again. See you… see you again and again. See you… see you again and again.

Gorgeous, I ASSURE YOU!!!

Reading 1, Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31

10 The truly capable woman — who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls.

11 Her husband’s heart has confidence in her, from her he will derive no little profit.

12 Advantage and not hurt she brings him all the days of her life.

13 She selects wool and flax, she does her work with eager hands.

19 She sets her hands to the distaff, her fingers grasp the spindle.

20 She holds out her hands to the poor, she opens her arms to the needy.

30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty; the woman who fears Yahweh is the one to praise.

31 Give her a share in what her hands have worked for, and let her works tell her praises at the city gates.

source: https://www.catholic.org

For now Gorgeous…

See you, Gorgeous!

The Tale of the Downtrodden, Gorgeous

I long for the moment
When I see you again
I long to touch and stroke your long black hair
How my heart longs to show you how much I care

I wait for the chance
To feel your hair so fine
Through this hand of mine
I long just to say
How I love you this way
Its you I adore

Until then
All I have is just a memory of you
That I can hold on to
Until then
All I have is just this luxury of time
To wait and think of you
Coz you’ll be on my mind
Until then

Source: “Until Then” lyrics by Side A, https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/sidea/untilthen.html

By Side A “Until Then”

My heart can sing when I pause to remember
A heartache here is but a stepping stone
Along a trail that’s winding always upward,
This troubled world is not my final home.

But until then my heart will go on singing,
Until then with joy I’ll carry on,
Until the day my eyes behold the city,
Until the day God calls me home.

The things of earth will dim and lose their value
If we recall they’re borrowed for awhile;
And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,
Remembered there will only bring a smile

Source: “Until Then” lyrics (Christian song), https://www.hymnlyrics.org/newlyrics_u/until_then.php

By Baptist Songs & Music “Until Then”

I missed how it used to be while making a Padlet post and Kahoots game for my L4 Catechism kids. I wanted to wake up the fast phase life and hear the noises of the children. Gorgeous, I am in solitude but God can’t take away from me what I truly loved. May God bless us all.

Moreover, my heart pours to the victims of the recent typhoon that destroyed so many livelihood and properties. Oh, Lord aid our land from the pandemic and calamities. You are blessed, Gorgeous! Thanks Heaven you have nothing to worry.


Gorgeous, I’m like a dog & a god…

Eventually, the year began as the worst time of existence. It is very incomprehensible, how I ended to be where I am. The radical and compulsive, eighteen year old me wouldn’t imagine that I’d be in this cold situation. Possibly, I could be there for the ones I cherished heartily. Certainly, I wouldn’t just find comfort in my composition to express how great I am feeling for you, Gorgeous.

I am like a dog, Gorgeous because I am forever loyal to you as my master and there will be no other master for me. I will always want to shield you and I will fight your fight. Nonetheless, the pandemic has taken me faraway but my home is in your heart.

I am a god because I will look after you with my power and strength. Similar to a God, I will never question or doubt you. God loves unconditionally, I may not prove it and it sounds like in the bible only. Likewise, without any doubt, I want to do the same and will the same. Your past doesn’t matter and your mistakes won’t define you. Like God, I want you to be out of the hands of those who’ll only cause your downfall.

Whether you agree it or not, true love suddenly seems to be ones weakness and an armor. Loving isn’t easy if you’re unprepared to face the phantoms and nightmares. It can break or build you. With all the baggage that comes along with love, it is always beautiful despite sleeping thorns. A lot of people presumed that I am selfish on sharing myself to others or maybe I shut down all windows and double-locked the door of my heart. Incorrect! I do love and you know that too well, Gorgeous.

By Pink Sweat$ – “At My Worst”

At my worst, Gorgeous…

Can I call you baby?
Can you be my friend?
Can you be my lover up until the very end?
Let me show you love, oh, no pretend
Stick by my side even when the world is caving in

(lyrics from “At My Worst” by Pink Sweat$)

Good night, Gorgeous! Sweet dreams!


See u! God bless you always Gorgeous!


My infinity, Gorgeous

It was a never-ending adieu. Then, I wished silently in my heart “I hope you could hear me say the same infinitely.”

I was told, “I will see you forever and ever and ever and ever!” What a sweet melody to my ears! I mean what I said, Gorgeous.

People just love in different and unique ways. I don’t browse online and sign-up in dating sites. I just know what I feel and I embrace it in my heart.

Well, there’s no right or wrong in expressing love. But, I hope you know what being ‘true’ means. I was told that the gift of the Holy Spirit and wisdom of God are upon me. If that’s the case, I am on the right track.

You don’t have to argue with me, Gorgeous. What you can’t comprehend is genuine and unchanging. The Lord above us knows better. Gorgeous, just learn to trust my words. I pray for you every night and day. It might be the least that I can do for now but it means more than billions to God.

I’m truly grateful that I got to see and be with you even it’s only within the realm of my sleep.

Gorgeous, you’re my infinity!

I miss you too. Peace be with you and God bless, Gorgeous!

See you again and again… like it never ends…

Gorgeous, I’m just one call away…

An angel told me today, “see you…” while giving me out a big smile. It moved me because I always thought that angel never liked me but I am absolutely mistaken. The irony of life, the one you least expected will be your greatest surprise from Heaven. What do you think, Gorgeous?

My apologies, Gorgeous. I am not good with other things because my extra talent is hiding and writing. I am expert at suppressing feelings and pretending… but there are more words left unsaid. Thank God, I have this space. Gorgeous, what do you know?

I pray each day for you. Please don’t feel so lonely because God is always with you. I hope He’ll grant me the guidance and blessings to be with you. Gorgeous, I really and truly wish to see and hear your voice. I’m just scared… always scared…

I’ll stand up and be walking on my heels again…

I’m only one call away

I’ll be there to save the day

Superman got nothin’ on me
I’m only one call away

Reachin’ out to you, so take a chance

‘Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile

By Charlie Puth “One Call Away”

ILY, Gorgeous! Miss U! Good night… sweet dreams… God bless! See u, later!

Gorgeous, I can come to the rescue again…

Incomprehensible twists of fate linked our pathways together that eventually separated oceans apart. Gorgeous, I repeatedly questioned myself “where the boys are?” I may not be the prettiest nor the the smartest in places I went but my colorful, naïve, bubbly and carefree personalities shone in my unique ways. In different chapters of my life, I had romantic entanglements that were brief and friendly with no strings attached. No commitments; likewise, they moved my heart at those moments. Gorgeous, I remember their names but I never dreamt any of them. Hence, I reminisced the boys; yet, the feelings no longer linger. So, Gorgeous, you’re such one of the kind for you are never absent in all my slumbers. Gorgeous, how do you have that power over me? I should have forgotten but I just can’t—

Call me weird but you appeared to be in need of assistance. Are you? I have no cash to offer but my skills are all yours to use. Gorgeous, if you needed me. I can always come to the rescue and no distance can stop me. I don’t bother or disturb others. It’s who I am. Probably, it is because I am very independent and I can be happy on my own. In addition to that, I am one radical thinker but gullible…

Gorgeous, I wish one day… you find my words of sincerity and devotion to you… I hope my words will move your heart…

Gorgeous, my forevermore dearest…

Dearest Gorgeous,

Thank you for your unintentional thoughtfulness. You absolutely had no idea what I felt today even until this moment. It was a disbelief but I am overwhelmed with so much joy overflowing inside my heart. Honestly, I ignored a lot of people my whole life even the ones closest to me but you with you there was no escaping. I don’t owe anyone nor failed others but I ran away because I am no longer the same. My secondary friends and classmates are looking for me to attend for the reunion because I missed it for many years… ABSENT as always! I had a wonderful school life in all stages of my life because of the kindness I received around even if I kept misinterpreting the attention I got wrongly. So many of my previous students, even my closest relatives and childhood friends are trying to get me. Nonetheless, I am concealed from anyone’s view because of shame and unfilled goals in life. I felt underserving to all of them and I had nothing to offer.

Gorgeous, my downfalls led me into hiding and hibernating. Despite my efforts, I am unsuccessful and it seemed destiny in is unkind to me. What you brought to light today, raised some concerns within but thank God you are alright. Nevertheless, I am praying for your safety and always will…

Don’t you know that in the middle until the end of March I had a serious flu and so I self-quarantined myself. I was not tested because at that time, it wasn’t the height of pandemic in my place. Hence, COVID-19 testing kits were not easily accessible. I also hesitated of testing because I recently arrived from abroad and I would no doubt be declared positive. Thankfully, my self-medication and personal precautions worked. Above all, I didn’t control my food consumption. As a result, I put on a lot of wait. Hey, I am so embarrassed to show myself!

Gorgeous, thank you for sparing me a second of your time. I may have nothing now but I will rise from this downfall. Gorgeous, today is so unforgettable and so meaningful because of you. It was like walking in a dream… a million, billion, trillion, zillion… nope, an infinite ‘thank you very much!’

By Stephanie Poetri ” Love You 3000″

‘Cause you’re my Iron Man

And I love you 3000

Gorgeous, take a chance

Light the Candles for the Heartless, Gorgeous!

Cyberworld is a fraud and hoax

Cold people preying on the innocent

Unforgiving high and mighty

Your taking the lead not for long

Adieu… you’re bidding farewell soon

Trash all your cash in the pit of hell

What you deprived from others

Will be taken away from you???

Every teardrops worth more than your gold

You should learn the Law of Gravity

Young blood possessed by the the Pharisees

Trick or treat! Oops, you got what you deserved

Happy Halloween! Your souls need no costumes

Let’s light the candles for the heartless

May the wisdom of the saints burn in their hearts!

Waking up in the truth, drowning in tears…

Don’t weep! Explode!!! A big bang…

Wait! A lot cares… for short period of time

Whether for real or just for the parade…

It’s never you, Gorgeous… it’s not them either….

It’s life that is meant to be disappointing…


Amazing, Gorgeous! (I’m ur #1 cheerleader)

Great life! Good food! A lazy bum like me doesn’t deserve… I toiled so hard in the past that I barely remember what it’s like to live a stress-free life! Gorgeous, you’re never out of adventures! What an amazing job! Well done! I am forever your number 1 cheerleader! So many will get tired and be over with it… Not me, Gorgeous! Not me!
Yes! It’s the 3-letter word that sounds music to my ears. It is a playful coincidence but angels don’t lie. Thank you my dear for lightening my day because my high-spirited soul lost its power when another is ruining it. Don’t blame… Blame them!
The sand on my feet and it will be yours too, Gorgeous. Gorgeous, you’re as fair as the sands and your eyes are shining like the sun. When will I touch and see them? Soon won’t take forever…
Capturing the moments… wait, really… Remember the times that will never be disregarded. You are the best and no one can do it like you can. Keep climbing up and if you slip… I know you can always find away to be the champ! My prayers for you success, Gorgeous! Congrats, I know that you can do it! You have all the potentials… keep on going… What’s stopping you? You have my support and I am forever cheering for you!

Good night, Gorgeous! God bless… c u later…

By Omi feat. Nicky Jam “Cheerleader 

After the rain, Gorgeous

Take a break, Gorgeous❤️ The pandemic isn’t over but we all deserve to relax and move forward 😍🥰 We are not wealthy but we know how find time to bond and live life beautifully!!!
Chill! My fats aren’t melting, only keep on increasing… But I am always confidentially proud of myself ❤️😊😘
Gorgeous, come join in!! The deep blue sea is waiting for you…
Gorgeous, you’re invited for my sister-in-law’s birthday celebration!!!🎉🎂
Cheers!!! Let’s toast, Gorgeous! A quick drink and a short time out at a mini bar. Have you been to the bar lately??? We’ll it’s ladies’ night❤️ Wanna join, Gorgeous?
Xoxo, Gorgeous! Time to go to bed. The drinks have not tipsy effect. Oops, are you hitting the bed now!! Good night, Gorgeous 💋 xoxo 😘
It’s been raining the whole time but the sun shines the brightest upon our heads. I hope you will have 20 seconds to take a look a this and find out someone like me will always love 💓 you😘 and also never stop on believing you…

God bless, Gorgeous! 🙏🏻Sweet dreams. 🤟 ILY & I miss you 😘 C U again❤️

All the Way Over the Moon, Gorgeous

I miss you very much, Gorgeous!

May my words of longings will reach all the way over the moon. Then, travel to you…

In a river of grief I am drowning
And your grip is surrounding my heart
Balancing on the edge of failure
And relieved, should I fall
Scattered dust upon my eyes
A winding road taking you nowhere
A winding road taking me home
And my home is my grave

Faraway from you is a dead end You have no idea how much I’m missing you every seconds of the day

C’est la vie, Gorgeous!

Bon Appetit!

Lunch outside at a floating restaurant on the sea… after 6 months of quarantine, we can finally come out.
By John ChoRuthie Ann Miles and Cathy Ang “On The Moon Above” 🌕 OVER THE MOON ost Netflix Futures

ILY, Gorgeous! God bless! Sweet dreams… CU later…

Love Goes On, Gorgeous

On bathrobes and nighties,

Satin and vibrant colors

Ready for Olympics in bed

In my days, values matter

Dignity is handled like porcelains

Nowadays, praises to the ladies

Filtered images and materialism

Trashing reputation is fine

What happen to the virtues?

I’m still be myself, the old-school

Never stop praying to the Heavens

The call of the flesh is yours

But, I fear God above all

Classic and traditional suit me

I’m the wings beneath your wings

Not a maiden of your destruction

Never permitting your downfall

Love goes on even from a distance

It never perishes in eternal life

Gorgeous, mark my truthful words

Believe and trust, there’s only one

Foolish, committed & generous me!

Gorgeous, miss yeah!

Good night! God bless! C U…

Strike thy breast, Gorgeous

Similar with the tax collector in the parable, I humbly acknowledge that I am sinner. I have sinned in my thoughts, words, deeds and for the things that I failed to do. I should be there to those people that I cared heartily but my feet are chained here.

God bless and may the angels give you sweet dreams, Gorgeous!

Have a nic day! Good night and sleep tight!

Miss U & C U again and again…

No Breaking Free from Your Gun, Gorgeous!

Don’t shoot! I’m all yours anyways! Hey, Gorgeous some people just keep on coming back literally and also in dreams. I have a series of unfortunate of events but here I am… I’m definitely the source of any man’s downfall instead I can offer a good chat and a meaningful laugh… a lot enjoy my company. Thanks Lord! My sadness is overflowing but the angels You sent me always made my day. Gorgeous, thanks for the night… No matter what I do— Gorgeous, I can’t escape. There’s no breaking from your GUN… I’m all yours to shoot because I am the most willing victim… LOL.

So early for Halloween… I stepped out to enter the House of Horror. It rained when I went out in our house. I joined my siblings to visit the cemetery and paid respects and tribute to my Papa, uncle, grandma and neighbor. The rain didn’t hinder us to remember the ones dearest to our hearts even they already departed the realm of the livings.

If you want it, take it

I should have said it before

Tried to hide it, fake it

I can’t pretend anymore

By Ariana Grande “Break Free”
By Queen “I Want to Break Free”

I’ve fallen in love
I’ve fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it’s for real
I’ve fallen in love, yeah
God knows, God knows I’ve fallen in love

God will always be there for you. See yah!

Ours is the Untold Tale, Gorgeous!

I felt hurt love
By the word love
What the hell is love supposed to feel like?
What the hell is love? What the hell is love?

from: https://genius.com/Salem-ilese-mad-at-disney-lyrics

By Salem Ilese “Mad at Disney”

I can’t be mad at Disney coz I’m not a pessimist—- An optimist like me will never give up. My Disney tale will be the most beautiful story ever written… Gorgeous, our story is the most awaited untold tale will soon be available to many… I am working on my Heather-inspired artwork but I paused because somewhere out there you exist and you know that I exist too… Till we meet again… See you.

C U…

I’m a Copycat, Gorgeous!

I don’t belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name

But I know the people around you say “Just do what it takes to make it all the way”

What a shame! No originality.

Meow! I’m your COPYCAT!

By Billie Eilish ‘Copycat’
By Melanie Martinez ‘Copy Cat’

I’m not at ease and so tense. Don’t know why… But you crossed my mind every time…

God bless you always.

Take care.

Sleep tight. C U!!!

Feel Better, Gorgeous!

Sometimes there’s a need to bring your best foot forward… I may be taking the wrong lead and wrong presumptions but it doesn’t degrade my qualifications due to lack of clarity in instructions…. My brother is counting on me….

I felt bad for disappointing other’s expectations. I felt bad for my brother too… But another angel scribbled on a drawing ‘feel better’. I should feel better even if I am literally bleeding for a week now plus the fact I am constantly threatened… all I ever wanted is for the good of all and also for those people I deeply care and love.

Gorgeous, what seems so awful will turn better… enlighten the minds and hearts filled with arrogance and selfishness dominating the world.

I lift up everything to the Almighty! I don’t forget to say my daily thanks to the Master of my destiny.

Eight hours of sleep is everything coupled with two hours of afternoon slumber is life!!! You can’t pay a great amount for a sound sleep… Some people may have a lot cash and treasure but they are suffering from insomnia and emptiness. It’s true that ‘ great powers come with enormous responsibilities”.

Gorgeous, enjoy the peacefulness of your sleep.

Sleep tight! Sweet dreams.

God bless you always!

ILY & IMY. C U again & again!

A Feather from an Angel, Gorgeous…

It was the longest walk that I took and I even complained. What was the pair of shoes I am wearing? Surprisingly, I was unable to remember because I am mesmerized with the arch daisies above my head. Uncertain where the path was leading me, I was moving in circles with nowhere to go. Was it a disappointment to see a familiar face? I accepted my fate with a waterlogged heart losing my breath. Nope, I struggled to be back in my senses. Then, I found myself walking towards my heart truest desire!

Nowadays, what I truly believe is ridiculous and superstitions to others but others’ judgment won’t let me lose my equilibrium. Gorgeous, it is never my plan but I am certain God is with me. Subsequently, an angel assured me… Thank you very much sweet little foodie pea!!! It’s my daily pleasure to laugh and chitchat with you…

Gorgeous, you’ll never know and I won’t either… Our story will take unexpected turns… God knows better!

✪ω✪ Enola in Missio, Gorgeous (ノಥ益ಥ)

Let your heart be free, Gorgeous!

MISSIO means ‘to send’ and all over the world many baptized Christians spread around the world to spread God’s love and faith. Today is World Mission Sunday and theme established by Pope Francis is “Here I am, Send Me”. I joined the mission works two years ago and it was fulfilling. I felt blessed and I met new friends and acquaintances. The scene when I was crying at the port because of the nasty words I heard from my boss were erased when I gave my time unselfishly. I felt so alone ‘ENOLA‘ when my boss attacked me with her unfair and one-sided judgements. Thinking about it, giving my best then wasn’t wasted because I am certain that I moved so many hearts and no snakes could take that away from me. During the mission, I was appreciated with all sincerity and I didn’t mention that I could draw but I was noticed… those people truly blessed because they could see my skills without announcing it… Unlike in my working place, there were crabs who pulled me down…. I hope that I can go for another mission work and no more feeling ENOLA

Yesterday, I shared to my Catechism kids about the importance of mission and what were our roles as baptized Christians. Before Jesus before ascended to His Father, he commanded his disciples to make disciples by spreading across the globe. As for our activity, I instructed them to make a poster and write a prayer about ‘World Mission Sunday’. The parents sent me their artworks and by looking at them brought me silent tears. I told my friend “I must be a good teacher!” All I wanted is to teach like Jesus do… unselfish, caring, considerate and understanding…. very very patient…

How generous are you, Gorgeous?

Good night and take care always.

God bless you perpetually!

Remember that you’re always in my prayers.

Sweet dreams, Gorgeous!

✪ω✪ … C U… (ノಥ益ಥ)

Underneath the Silhouette of the Moon, Gorgeous

Mid-Autumn Festival isn’t over yet! Want some mooncake, Gorgeous straight from HK!
Let’s eat this 19 days old balut, Gorgeous! According to Wikipedia, a balut is a fertilized bird egg (usually a duck) which is incubated for a period of 14 to 21 days depending on the local culture and then boiled or steamed.  I miss this so much! After many years, I finally had a taste of it again!

The deteriorating hopes of today sinks my heart to a void of worthlessness. I am the jacks-of-all-trade but no one is convinced of my skills and it doesn’t matter at all. Underneath the silhouette of the moon, its shadow casted upon me and I camouflaged to its darkness in a paradise lost where all the flowers withered. It’s probably sickening and nauseated to be in a place where no skills required and waiting for a time of nothingness. Oh, God…

It’s alright because there are no more pretense and hiding… one thing is certain, I am not forcing anyone…

Gorgeous, all the best! Keep it up! God bless you always. You are always included in my prayers. Good night and Sweet dreams always. C U…

WC Gorgeous…

What a funny dude! Tickling my funny bones. Simple words scribbled… WC. WC, what? WC, Gorgeous… always loving you With Care always and lasting. Oh my, how simple things remind me of you and the memories is all coming back to me.

There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed if I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were drying up forever (forever)
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can’t remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made

Lyrics from “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” by Celine Dion

by Celine Dion “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now”

Miss & See u!

ILY, Gorgeous!

ily | i love you baby – Surf Mesa (Lyrics) feat. Emilee

I love you, baby
And if it’s quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say

10 Things I Hate About You: Can’t Take My Eyes Off You (Heath Ledger)

This was the most unforgettable scene of one of my fave romcoms of all time, “10 Things I Hate About You”. Heath Ledger did sweep my heart away while watching the flick. This was one iconic scene of an unforgettable legend like him. Too bad he’d left so soon but his works will forever be imprinted in the hearts of those who idolized him. Count me in, Gorgeous!

And my heart’s singing same way… I couldn’t take my eyes off you then even until now, Gorgeous! No wonder, I couldn’t get rid of you in my head even no matter how long it has been…. No worries, I am perfectly sane and I’m in a good place with no more drama! Contented with love and so joyous to be alive!!!

By Frank Sinatra “I Love You Baby”

You’re just too good to be true
Can’t take my eyes off of you
You’d be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I’m alive
You’re just too good to be true
Can’t take my eyes off of you

ILY, Gorgeous

And if it’s quite alright

I need you, baby

To warm the lonely night

Trust me when I say…

I miss you, Gorgeous!

God bless!

Good night!

See you…

Sweet dreams!!!

Ain’t Damsel in Distress, Gorgeous

No damsel in distress, don’t need to save me
Once I start breathin’ fire, you can’t tame me
And you might think I’m weak without a sword
But if I had one, it’d be bigger than yoursIf all of the kings had their queens on the throne
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone
Baby, you’re not dancin’ on your own

By Ava Max “Kings & Queens”

There were several times, I questioned and recalled where did I go wrong. What have I done to forsake God? I never done this nor that… I did this and that… blah.. blah… All the frustrations are taking the toll and the shades go to my weight… Good for you, Gorgeous! You even lost a lot of weight! Absolutely amazing!!! For many of us, the pandemic gave us reasons to eat and eat!

You may think, I am not doing anything. Well, you’re absolutely mistaken. I don’t have to scribble in details what are the steps I’ve taken to save myself from falling to nowhere. Take note, I may be a hag but my skills won’t age and rust with time. Likewise, it will be polished all throughout…

God is good, Gorgeous! Hence, no need to rescue me, Gorgeous! Surprisingly, ain’t some helpless damsel in distress! I experienced the worst in the past beyond you can even imagine.

No matter how tough life will turn out! I will stand up, keeping my cool with my bright smile… My infectious laughter will make everyone laugh and bring joy to many hearts whether young or old. Thank God, I am a still a bit humorous in my corny ways plus my skin is still thick! Who ever thought, the voice I hated and the face people mocked had relevance in surviving. You will rescue the Barbie girls, won’t you? I won’t be a Barbie girl because my heart ain’t made of plastic and I’m one old school lady…

Not your Barbie girl, I’m livin’ in my own world
I ain’t plastic, call me classic
You can’t touch me there, you can’t touch my body
(lyrics Not Your Barbie Girl by Ava Max)

I used to be a fan of Barbie Girl!

By Aqua “Barbie Girl”

Well, many things change…

By Ava Max “Not Your Barbie Gir”

ILY my King Gorgeous!

Let’s pour the champagne!!!

Miss U, Gorgeous!

Good night and God bless!

Sweet dreams!!!

C U all over again, Gorgeous!!!

Let’s Celebrate, Gorgeous

Move away downers because jubilee is here! Leap high, jubilant spirits for it’s your turn to shine! Congrats, Gorgeous for finally you see with your heart!

I proclaimed, “No more, nonsense!” However, it’s impossible to quit because your haunting me in my midnight slumbers waking me up with your gentle touch and kisses. Gorgeous, there’s no getting over you!!!

Yehey! Let’s celebrate 🎉 for the Lakers won the 17th NBA Finals over Miami Heat. Last Sunday, I spoke with someone about the game. I was so engaged with the conversation riding a time machine… this is so high school! I was a basketball fangirl during my school days. I was so into that I even organised a basketball league in our neighbourhood.

Let’s celebrate! Thank God we are alive!

Let’s celebrate for each day is a blessing!

Remember that I love u 😍 the most! I miss you a lot! See you!

Let’s celebrate life!!!

God bless!

Sweet dreams! See you!!!

From the Bottom of My Broken Heart, Gorgeous!

You were my real love, I never knew love

‘Til there was you
From the bottom of my broken heart

Never look back, we said
How was I to know I’d miss you so?
Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind
Where do I go?
And you didn’t hear
All my joy through my tears
All my hopes through my fears
Did you now, still I miss you somehow
From the bottom of my broken heart
There’s just a thing or two I’d like you to know
You were my first love
You were my true love

Lyrics from the song “From the Bottom of My Broken Heart” by Britney Spears

By Britney Spears “From the Bottom of My Broken Heart”

In two weeks time, Gorgeous

I object! My heart may exclaimed loudly and adamantly disagree, at the end of the day your happiness is your choice. Whatever makes you happy, Gorgeous ❤️😘 It’s your life to build and may God give you wisdom in whatever route you’re going to take. In reality, the merriment of the gala is brief… the aftermath is never a paradise. It is a dwelling where hell and worst calamities are expected to collide. Are you ready to be crushed and ruined soon?

I hope heaven isn’t a long way from here so that I can meet you soon. Dear God, I wish to have given the chance to be there in any means: to be the maid, cook, comforter, cleaner, entertainer, provider and slave. If only my writings put into action and my words not only read but heard. You know what’s in my heart despite my sinfulness and imperfections. I am always loyal, obedient and true to You as so as to others. My Loving Father, you absolutely know what I had to endure and deprived myself to be faithful to You. Henceforth, I may desire and want the pleasure others freely enjoy, I still value my self-worth and avoid disobedience. Besides, I respect others space and happiness. Lord, can I still share myself beyond eternity?

See U, Gorgeous! Have a nice day! Good night! God bless!

💋 XoXO 🤟 & 😘 xoXO 💋

The Girl in the Mirror, Gorgeous!

Being home is equivalent to returning to my old self, including my unhealthy weight. Eight years ago was my ideal weight, I was around 50 – 53 kg that was the healthiest too. Subsequently, I gained weight but I am still keep able to keep up the healthy weight based to my BMI category. Now??? Since, I am neither buying nor preparing my meals, I ended up to this dilemma of weight struggle again. What can I do? I eat whatever is served and I am not choosy when in terms of food! 🥘 Besides, my mama is the best cook in the world! Each day I am tempted to consume a lot!!!

Even I am putting a lot of weight, I never love my self less or drown myself in self-pity. It is not about degrading issue of self-love. Likewise, the concern is how this gain will definitely affect my health. This without a doubt very alarming because it may lead to complications. So, I asked my old healthy chubby self “how did you that?” “INSPIRATION!!!” Indeed, I was inspired then— Wait! The girl in the mirror should have known better and encouraged more. She said, “You can!” Because you did it too, Gorgeous!

Stalker me… It was indeed a climb. Congrats! Those wall was yours to conquer. At first glance, I am beyond impressed. Wow! You looked way much younger than before with that physique. Absolutely amazing and terrific! Bravo!!!

Moreover, the longer I stared, I couldn’t help asking myself if you were really fine. Hopefully, no virus was the culprit of such weight loss! Well, what am I thinking? Not you, you are among those health conscious people I know. Keep it up as long as it’s healthy. A friendly reminder, too much won’t do anyone any good!

I wake up every day like hello, beautiful
‘Cause this world is so crazy and it can bring you down
You’re too short, too fat…
Hey, well excuse me if I think that I’m pretty
So I don’t care what you say ’cause I’m original
I’m learning how to love me from my head down to my toes
Let ’em know, let ’em know if you with me
Hey, ’cause I finally found the answer is in me

My mama she keeps saying
Don’t let ’em get you down
Had to learn to love me

That’s why I’m talking to the girl in the mirror
Like even if you’re down, better get up
‘Cause every set back’s just a set up
For something just a little bit better
Oh, I’m talking to the girl in the mirror

Sophia Grace ft. Silento – Girl In The Mirror (Official Video)

Good night! Sweetest dreams to you! God bless!!! See you all over again!

This is Our Story, Gorgeous!

Ostensibly my words may petty, wishy-washy and unfounded for those obstinate few. Moreover, I am taking full accountability of how I expressed my thoughts because whether you like it or not, this is my story to tell. Not just some tales that I produced by the pigments of my creative thoughts. Likewise, it’s a narration I lived to recount in an unusual manner combined with my signature style of reiterating my adventures and ordeals.

First and foremost Gorgeous, always bear in mind that you’re one of a kind and absolutely a beautiful person—- the most Gorgeous of them all. Next, there were times I was there to save your face as a scapegoat and honestly, I had no regrets. Then, I did those white lies to cover you up because I stood still as your friend and I didn’t see any faults with that. Gorgeous, I am not doing things to impress you or anyone else, I am just being ME. I never hid my worst and best nor sugarcoated my words…. Gorgeous, you’ve seen it all. Lastly, whether you agree or not, you already occupied most of the pages of my story in all shades including black, white and the most colorful of all.

Time flies fast for it has been so long… However, nothing has changed. I am still a fool for you!

This love is tainted
I need you and I hate it
You’re caught between a dream and a movie scene
In a way, you know what I mean
When the darts just miss, I just can’t resist it

‘Cause I’m a fool for you and the things you do
I’m a fool for you and the things, the things you do

Lyrics “fOoL fOr YoU” by Zayn Malik

By Zayn Malik “Fool for You”

Since 1993, Gorgeous…

Were you already around in year 1993? What was your memory at that time? When I found my ”Anne of Green Gables” novel. My handwriting was awful but my signature still the same. Hey, wait!!! I scribbled an old code for my teenage hanky-panky. I could have scribbled it with the stars floating above my head with heat-shaped eyes (similar to Sailor Moon when around Tuxedo Mask). Nonetheless, when I stared at my innocent writings, I kinda remembered the boy but it was your face I saw, Gorgeous.

Before Netflix featured the series “Anne with an E”, I was already obsessed with Anne Shirley since 1993. I bought the book using the nest egg that I put away from my allowance. It was the book which I used for my book report. Nevertheless, from project to my teenage bookworm obsession. The next thing, I knew I read all the Anne series written by Lucy Maud Montgomery. WOW! Old memories coming back to me…

Since 1993 Gorgeous, I looked at the stars stating in my hearts of hearts that somewhere out there and across the deep blue oceans you were born. Perhaps, I’m overdramatic and my imaginations were over the top ever since 1993. No one believed me but I am certain God who is the master of my fate knew what’s best for me. Since 1993, I believed and my faith never subsided not even an inch.


Good night and sweet dreams, Gorgeous! It’s no longer 1993 but I always knew your existence. IMY😘 & ILY 🤟

Thank God you were born… My prayers for you, keep safe.

God bless!

May angels lead you, Gorgeous!

I don’t know with you Gorgeous. But growing up, I always and never stop believing on angels. They are more than those make believe creatures like fairies, gnomes, dwarfs and many more. Angels are more than what we can both imagine for they are creations from Heaven… a realm with more than milk and honey… it’s God’s kingdom and ours too.

Spread the word, Gorgeous that each one of us has one special Guardian Angel who is always there for all our needs. Don’t tremble inside, Gorgeous for you are never alone. It isn’t just your battle you have my back and your Guardian Angel won’t fail you too. No more making a fuss on trivial matter, Gorgeous. Always remember, somewhere out there lies the answer but only to those with open hearts…. May the angels lead you, Gorgeous! Amen!

Good night! Sweet Dreams! 14344+14324!!!

Last 29th September was the Feast Day of the 3 main Archangels namely: Saint Raphael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Michael.

Yesterday, 2nd October was the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels.

This afternoon’s Catechism session, I shared to the kids about the structure of the Holy Mass. According to the introduction of our session plan, “a mass is a thanksgiving prayer that is composed of many prayers that is similar to the Holy Bible which is one book comprises of many books.”

I’m a lovesick girl coz of u, Gorgeous!

Maybe it’s all just for a moment
What are we looking for so aimlessly
But I don’t care, I’ll do it over and over
I just need you in my life

By BLACKPINK “Lovesick Girls”

Lovesick. I must be no different and I blame you… Nope, I thank the most Gorgeous of them all. It must be so long… all I did was scribbling my affection and thoughts. Silly? Whatever! The stupidest thing is the most celebrated. One thing is certain I am into men particularly you, Gorgeous. Oh, I must do this quickly because I am not done working on my slides for tomorrow’s e-Catechism session. May God all the glory.

Wait! What do you want? I picked a cologne. Nope, you picked a shaving razor. I suggested shaving cream. Reality check, you want iPhone XII. I dragged my friend into my lovesickness and silliness. I missed both of you. Probably, it was my mind of incorporating in my slumber scenes the people who truly mattered in my heart. “Cute? Are we?” Yeah, even in my dreams, my friend is always the truest and the best of all! Thank you both.

Last 15 secs… Lights off! Good night, Gorgeous! A blessed TGIF!!! XoxO Luv & Miss U much xOXo!! You know it all!

Sweet dreams!

— end of 5 minutes break— (back to the session prep)

Today is the beginning, Gorgeous!

What are you doing, Gorgeous? You must be off from work and wandering somewhere rejoicing the peak of your youth. A free-spirited like you will never be gloomy and not making a fuss on little things. You should be in the height of the gala, not enraged with how the new normal turned out to be. You’re not stuck in a prison cell of memories and dreams similar to where I am. Hopefully, you’ll visit me there under the cherry blossoms where it’s all pink and none of us is blue…


Thoughts in the Silent Night 静夜思

By Li Bai (李白) source https://www.chinahighlights.com

Li Bai used four lines of five characters to express his homesickness at the Moon (Mid-Autumn) Festival.

Moonlight shining through the window

Makes me wonder if there is frost on the ground

Looking up to see the moon

Looking down I miss my hometown

床 前 明 月 光

疑 是 地 上 霜

举 头 望 明 月

头 思 故 乡

你是个小乖乖的真莎莎莎莎… Gorgeous!!!

你是个小乖乖的真莎莎莎莎… Hard to believe that I am funny… Let’s salsa, Gorgeous! This is my new name… 莎莎莎莎… LOL!

What a Wednesday!!! Did I see your message? Nope, it’s in my head.  It’s tiring to be dreaming.  Moreover, thank God I am alive!!!

‘Cause I, I, I’m in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight 

By BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Dynamite’ 

To be only yours I pray, Gorgeous!

There’s a sing that’s inside
Of my soul
It’s the one that I’ve tried to write
Over and over again
I’m awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over and over again

By Mandy Moore “Only Hope”

Gorgeous, my brain is very creative and it is capable of producing scenes and dialogues out of the ordinary. Imagine you became so real and we even exchanged dialogues similar to how it used to be. My apologies for your recurring appearances in my head. Rest assured, I had no negative intentions for I am all about goodness and truthfulness. In reality, I didn’t bother you even I am one step falling to the abyss. Even if I am all the financial difficulties and professional decline, I still go on thinking positively.

Gorgeous, I woke up joyfully and somehow it made me wonder how come in this longest time, it’s still you. What a beautiful, Monday!!! Hope same to you…

I’m a cow, Gorgeous!

Good job, Gen for not sinning! What amazing works done daily! Waking up late, not doing anything for the rest of the day and sleeping late… Wow! Wonderful role model! Seriously??? What a routine? Congratulations to me for being an idling peasant!!! What a disappointment??? (hope not for long)

I abide God’s law. However, am I doing something in building His Kingdom on earth? Am I setting a good example to those around me? A lot of people looked up at me— I used to get out from my comfort zone to reach out on others and generously give without expectations. Look at me now!!! Gaining a lot of weight while wearing baggy clothes without high heels on and smelling awful (yuck!)… Hence, how am I different from a cow? Shame on me, Gorgeous!!!

This revelation is not something I am proud of. My honesty is indeed one of my many weaknesses. I don’t sugarcoat my life to impress and deceive others… Yeah, I now belong to the Grinch fan club for I am now isolated from the rest of the world (minus the grumpiness). THIS IS HOW MY MISFORTUNES TURNED ME INTO… Wait Gorgeous, there are NO COMPLAINS! Chill!

EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING GORGEOUS… I don’t have tons of dollars. Moreover, I am grateful with everything around me. I am stress-free now. I am not crying everyday at all. Hence, I am grateful with what I have and get in the middle of the pandemic. Indeed, I am truly grateful with all the people around me especially those who appreciated and recognized my cheerfulness and wits. Thank you for laughing with me and believing in me. Hard to believe that I am such a CLOWN like I used to be!!! Well, I am not boring even in this darkest times. I can be funny too and one accidental comedian. Enjoying simple moments and cherishing borrowed minutes. After all, our time in this world isn’t perpetual and we’re here in a clock. If it’s your TIME for whatever, it’s your time! No bargaining…

I may only have you in my memories and dreams, Gorgeous but those are the wonderful thoughts I am going to forever cherished. All of the people I welcomed in my heart were like the wind… they came and went off… Nevertheless, you lingered and I got stuck on you. This cow needs some milking though… LOL. (not literally please…) LOL.

God knows how much I deeply cared and missed you. You never left my thoughts not even a bit of a second… Today is the feast day of Saint Vincent de Paul in SG. I offered a prayer for you as always did countless times. God bless and may your colors and energy don’t fade… we don’t remain the same but what I have deep within is unchanging. I hope one day… it’s all that matter… and just enough… NOT CASH, APPEARANCE, STATUS and SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE…

by Vanessa Williams “Colors of the Wind” (Pocahontas ost)

don’t wanna wait in heaven, GORGEOUS ❤️

Going to the mountains… I missed the fun coz I chose to do things I had to—-

Gorgeous, I missed a lot in life. I’m so exhausted wearing the same clothes daily without any shoes on. Where are my high schools? They are far away like you do, Gorgeous.

A lot of people asking me… my response—- I don’t know why. Gorgeous, I pray each day for your happiness.

God bless you and sweet dreams, Gorgeous!

Good night!

I always hear & see despite its been a long time… I wish that I don’t have to wait in heaven… I hope here on earth I can make you feel my love😘❤️🥰

Miss and love 💓 U

Gorgeous, hi…

Hello, nice to meet you!

How are you today?

What did you eat today?

Those are the lines, I repeatedly say

Am I running out of words?

By the way, how about you?

Gorgeous, be fine like wine

I see the sign on the sun…

No more goodbyes but all hellos

Why should wait in heaven?

When on earth everything is possible

Forgive this 3 minutes writing

You know too well, I miss you Gorgeous

See you later, sweet dreams dearest!

Gorgeous, God bless and good night!

Gorgeous, 👋 hi…

Remember that I always deeply care.

Nothing has changed. Xoxo 💋 I love u 😘 xoXO

❤️💛💚💙💜🧡GORGEOUS💕💞💓💗💖💝💟 to be continued…




This is just the beginning… to be continued…


Let’s welcome back Gorgeous, ‘The Return of the Unicorn!

I lost count how many days and mounts we were in quarantine…

Finally, it was back to sail the blue sea underneath the blazing sun. Floating mighty and proud my enormous inflatable unicorn. Gorgeous, let’s welcome it back! Alas, it had returned into the sea after many years of slumber in a dirty and disregarded dungeon. Yehey!!! Family outing with the unicorn!

Gorgeous, it was high tide and I was afraid of drowning but I am not afraid sinking to the bottom for you. Was it hot in your side? I am not hot with my unaltered, unflattering and unglamorous photos. Nevertheless, the noontime sun was not as extremely hot as you! I whispered to the waves your name and perhaps you might hear my voice calling out for you. The sands on the vast ocean was as a countless as what I have restored for you. Gorgeous, until now, are you still not convinced? May the hands of God find US once more…

Good night and sweet dreams, the ultimately Gorgeous you! Miss you 😘 14344 ♾

Thanks a lot, Gorgeous!

The wind blew so strong and loudly from the north and it affected my internet connection. Welcome here whereby your Internet Service Provider can offer you as low as 10MBPS but the monthly due is almost the same as I paid in SG for around 500MBPS. Sadly with sudden weather change, our Internet connection is disrupted. If there are technical issues, expect almost a month for actions to be taken. Who can get a higher MBPS? Only the privilege and celebrities’. WOW!

As the weather when I am so tense and my heart would surely explode. Likewise, my thoughts and emotions calmed down with the thoughts of that… Thank you… it actually worked but the other software won’t work with the updated version of my OS. Still I am beyond thankful, Gorgeous!