My Bros and I


There a three men in my life,
By any means, I can’t get rid
Always part of my destiny

One isn’t a geek but a genius,
Next is an artist and a heart throb
Last, a simple timid star player

I grow up praying with them
The food fights, jokes and fun
Making me laugh and cry

Oh, I hate them so many times!
Only I learn to forget and forgive
God knows, I love them so much!

My bros and I are all imperfect
Ups and downs we stand still
Never letting go each other’s hands

My bros have different personalities.  They commit mistakes and wrong decisions in life but they’re not bad people.  I don’t want to enumerate what I have done for our family.  I only did what I ought to do out of filial love.  After all, the members of my family are jolly, lively and happy people and that’s what all these adversities and trials can’t take from us.


(this image via:

2014 New Year’s Eve dinner with my family, a celebration of harmony, success and new beginnings.

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